Greeting and Introduction:
Aloha I would like to welcome all of you to Maui on such a beautiful day and to this important moment in the lives of _____& __________.
We are gathered here this evening with great joy to celebrate ______ & _______ and the next step in their journey together as a couple – as they speak aloud their lifetime promise and take their vows as husband and wife in my presence and in the presence of dear friends and family.
(They would like to recognize it is a distant journey for many and appreciate the coming together of their loved ones. They thank you for being here to bear witness and add your blessing as they join their two souls as one in marriage.)
Optional Remembrance
_________ & ________- You are here to speak aloud your lifetime promise and take your vows as husband and wife. I congratulate you on the journey of your lives, on the strength and courage it has taken for each of you to make your way to this place standing right here right now. Today you are marking a new chapter, not the start of your relationship, but recognizing a deep bond that already exists.
Optional Lei Exchange
[In Hawaii we exchange leis as a symbol of our love, unity and Aloha for one another. The weaving of the flowers (and leaves) represent the coming together of separate elements in synergy to make a whole, greater than the sum of its parts.]
I invite you now to exchange leis and the sacred breath of “Ha” with each other.
There is no accident that you are uniting in love in this special and sacred place. And so at this time I’d like to offer a Hawaiian Marriage Blessing.
Hawaiian Marriage Blessing
I knew you existed long before you understood my desire to
join my freedom to yours. Our paths collided long enough
for our indecision to be swallowed up by the greater need of
love. When you came to me, the sun surged towards the
earth and moon escaped from darkness to bless the union of
two spirits, so alike that the creator had designed them
for life’s endless circle.
Beloved partner, keeper of my heart’s odd secrets, clothed in
summer blossoms so the icy hand of winter never touches
us. I thank you for your patience. Our joining is like a tree to earth,
a cloud to sky and even more. We are the reason the world
can laugh on its battlefields and rise from the ashes of its
selfishness to hear me say, in this time, this place, this way –
I loved you best of all.
—– or Christian Marriage Blessing ————
Gracious God, spirit of life and love, we ask all blessing upon Bride and Groom in their life together.
May they be blessed with patience, to see them through times of tensions or conflict.
May they be blessed with kindness, to enable them to future and care for one another in times of pain or sorrow.
May they be blessed with a spirit of play and joyfulness, that they may participate fully in the beauties and pleasure of life.
May they be blessed, finally, with a knowledge of the ever-flowing presence of love in the world, that they may be channels of this love to one another and to all whom they meet in their life’s journey.
The ability and desire for one human being to love another is perhaps the most precious & fulfilling gift that has been entrusted to us.
Marriage is a special place as well as a state of being. A place for safety, where you can find your true home, and feel free to express your genuine feelings, thoughts and emotions to each other.
A marital commitment includes the willingness to be open and vulnerable, and the courage to take risks.
You two commit yourselves today to each other in this sacred trust.
And as you are here to marry each other. It is your words, your intentions, and your vision, that must define and shape this marriage. So I call upon each of you now to state your promise before me: the pledge that will unite you two together and take you across this threshold of life. Because after these words are spoken, you will say to the world, this is my husband, this is my wife.
(If sharing personal vows at this time, please share the vows you have written with each other)
Declaration of Consent “I Do’s” – please take each others hands
__________, the woman whose hands you hold loves you very much, she is generous, caring, and and loves you wholeheartedly. She is your best friend, and supports your goals and your dreams. This is the woman who has chosen you to live by her side for the rest of your lives.
You must never take her for granted. But keep your heart open, and turn toward her. Your life and love will be _____’s greatest source of joy and happiness, and so I ask;
Traditional: Do you, ___________, welcome _________ as your wife, offering her your love and encouragement, your trust and respect, and promise to love her faithfully, through the best and the worst, in sickness and in health for as long as you both shall live?
Modern: Do you _________, welcome ___________ as your wife, offering her your love and encouragement, your trust and respect, as together you create your future?
(I DO!)
_________, the man whose hands you hold loves you very much, he is genuine, caring and devoted to you. He is your best friend and he will continue to be by your side as you experience life’s greatest adventures.
You must never take him for granted. But keep your heart open, and turn toward him. Your life and love will be ________’s greatest source of joy and happiness, and so I ask;
Traditional: Do you,_________, welcome _____________ as your husband, offering him your love and encouragement, your trust and respect, and promise to love him faithfully, through the best and the worst, in sickness and in health for as long as you both shall live?
Modern: Do you _________, welcome ________ as your husband, offering him your love and encouragement, your trust and respect, as together you create your future?
(I DO!)
Introduction to Ring Exchange
Wedding rings are a symbol of infinity and eternity.
They will be a reminder of this day, when you exchanged your vows and made your lifetime promises of your commitment to each other.
Exchange of Rings
Ring Exchange Options
(Option 1)
With this ring, I marry you and unite my life to yours. It is a symbol of my eternal love, my everlasting friendship, and the promise of all my tomorrows.
(Option 2)
As a symbol of how happy you make me, of how grateful I am for you, I give you this ring, so you and the world will know how much and how always I love you!
(Option 3)
I give you this ring as a symbol of my love and faithfulness and as I place it on your finger, I commit my very heart and soul to you. I ask you to wear this ring as a reminder of the vows we have spoken on this, our wedding day.
(Option 4)
I give you this ring as a token of my love and devotion. With this ring I marry you and join my life to yours.
May all who see your rings know that you love and that you are loved.
Personal Blessing
It is a privilege to bring the two of you together in marriage today and I have a personal wish for both of you.
I wish that many, many years from now you are able to look back on your life together – so fulfilled – and that you are able say to one another: “Because of you, I have lived the life I’ve always wanted to live – because of you, I have become the person I always longed to be.”
May you be blessed now and forever more.
Pronouncement & Introduction
And so by the great love that has brought us here today…by the vows you have spoken and the giving and receiving of rings…
by the power invested in me by the state of Hawaii it is my great pleasure and honor to pronounce you husband and wife.
You may celebrate with a kiss!!!
I present to you the newly married couple, partners in life for life…_______ & ___________!