Derick Sebastian
Hawaiian Ceremony
Aloha & Welcome!
Hawaiian Cultural Tradition; Blowing of the Conch Shell
GROOM and BRIDE, we are gathered here today to celebrate your marriage. For on this day, (WEDDING DAY), you have chosen to affirm your love for each other with spoken words and with sharing of symbols.
With this, I’d like to share a Hawaiian chant that offers “love” and “welcome” to us all who are present, and spiritually here as well…especially to our dear loved ones who have gone before us. This is called the Oli Aloha…
Onaona i ka hala me ka lehua,
He hale lehua no ia na ka noe,
‘Oka’u no ia e ‘ano’i nei,
E li’a nei ho’i o ka hiki mai,
Ka hiki mai no ka kaou,
K ahiki pu no me ke aloha…
Aloha e! Aloha e! Aloha e!
The Oli Aloha is a chant that offers a word of greeting. It translates, “This is the sight for which I have longed. Now that you have come, love has come with you”.
Aloha to both of you! And Aloha to you all once again.
Here in Hawaii, we exchange leis signifying our open hearts, love and appreciation for one another. These leis represents the loved ones that surrounds us in our circle of life. Now as you both exchange these leis, you will not only be sharing each other’s foundation but together, you both will now begin to weave your very own unique Lei of Aloha together, from this day forward.
GROOM, marriage in our society has come to mean that a man will love, respect and cherish his wife…he will make his wife the closest companion of his life. That he will reserve his intimacies for her alone. That he will give his strength and wisdom to the support and comfort of his wife and family.
GROOM, do you now commit yourself to BRIDE, whole-heartedly in this way? If so, please say, “I Do.”
BRIDE, it is our belief that marriage will involve a woman in the same kind of commitment. A commitment of companionship, respect and love. A commitment to reserve your intimacies for him alone. A commitment of mutual support in the establishment and care of your family and home.
BRIDE, do you now commit yourself to GROOM whole-heartedly in this way? If so, please say, “I Do.”
GROOM/BRIDE, looking into BRIDE’s/GROOM’s eyes, please repeat after me…
I, (GROOM/ BRIDE) take you (BRIDE / GROOM) to be my wife / husband. I promise to love, honor, and cherish you. I will be your companion. I will share my strengths and my achievements. I promise to respect you and be your friend. For better or worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health as long as we both shall live.
Your ring by their shape symbolizes eternal unity, without beginning or end. They are the emblems of unconditional love that exists between you both…so let these rings always remind you of the commitment that you make here on this special day.
Once again, looking into BRIDE/GROOM’s eyes, please repeat after me..
(BRIDE / GROOM), I give this ring to you as a sign of my love. I give myself to you to be your (Husband / Wife). From this day forward you shall not walk alone. I feel so honored to have you as my wife / husband. I vow to love and sustain you in the covenant of our marriage for as long as we both shall live.
GROOM and BRIDE we all have witnesses to this special day as you both are now united as husband and wife, wife and husband…and the entire world shall honor you as the same from this day forward.
With this in closing, I”d love to share this Hawaiian blessing called the Ka Mele Ho’omaika’i,” also known as the Hawaiian Doxology. Mahalo!
Ho’onani i ka Makua mau,
Ke Keiki me ka ‘Uhane no,
Ke Akua mau ho’omaika’i pu
Ko keia ao, ko kela ao,
Congratulations to you both…Now with the blessings of all and by the power vested in me by the State of Hawaii, it is my pleasure to pronounce you both as husband and wife…wife and husband.
GROOM, you may now kiss your bride!
To finally make it official, ladies adn gentlemen, dearest family and firends, I’m honored to present to you for the first time, our beautiful newlyweds…
Mr. And Mrs. (GROOM) and (BRIDE) (Last Name)!